Bug #: 55910

           Summary: One of instances generated for a method with -O3 uses

                    incorrect parameter cleanup size with 'ret'

    Classification: Unclassified

           Product: gcc

           Version: 4.7.2

            Status: UNCONFIRMED

          Severity: normal

          Priority: P3

         Component: c++



Created attachment 29108


Method source and two its instances disassembled.

The bug was initially reported by me for MinGW x86, however they told me there

to fill it for GCC.

After upgrading to GCC 4.7.2 I'having an issue that release build of my DLL

crashes. Debugging shows that this is due to bad code generated by GCC, Alas I

can't provide small test case but here is the faulting function fragment



 int CProfileGenerator::CalcAccProfile(

 pos_type p0,

 vel_type v0,

 acc_type a0,

 jerk_type j,

 vel_type vel,

 acc_type acc,

 CProfile& ret_profile

 ) const {

 time_type t0 = 0.0;

 ret_profile.clear(); ret_profile.reserve(10);

 vel_type dv = vel-v0;

 if (ABS(dv) < m_epsilon_v && ABS(a0) < m_epsilon_a) {

 if (dv == 0.0) {

 ret_profile.push_back(CProfileStep(0.0, p0, v0, a0, 0.0));


 } else {

 acc_type a0 = (dv<0.0)?-1.0:1.0;

 time_type dt = ABS(dv);

 pos_type p1 = p0 + v0*dt + 0.5*dv*dv;

 ret_profile.push_back(CProfileStep(0.0, p0, v0, a0, 0.0));


 ret_profile.push_back(CProfileStep(dt, p1, vel, 0.0, 0.0));



 G_BLOG_4("acc profile calc skiped ");

 return ret_profile.size();


 if (v0 < vel) {

 acc = ABS(acc);

 } else if (v0 == vel) {

 acc = -SIGN(a0)*ABS(acc);

 } else {

 acc = -ABS(acc);


 if (j == 0.0) {

 return InternalAccCalc(t0, p0, v0, 0.0, 0.0, true, true, vel, acc, true,


 // <------------------------------ FAULTS DUE TO RETURNING TO ADDRESS

0x00000000 HERE




 Here all the *_type typedefs are doubles and CProfile is std::vector of

CProfileStep structure.

 I've built library with -fno-inline to be able to see function calls more

clearly and here is the problem is assembler code.


 Dump of assembler code for function CProfileGenerator::CalcAccProfile(double,

double, double, double, double, double, CP

 rofileGenerator::CProfile&) const:

 0x100622e0 <+0>: push %ebp

 0x100622e1 <+1>: mov %ecx,%ebp

 0x100622e3 <+3>: push %edi

 0x100622e4 <+4>: push %esi

 0x100622e5 <+5>: push %ebx

 0x100622e6 <+6>: sub $0x14c,%esp

 ; <------------------------ Initial stack preparation ends here

 0x100622ec <+12>: mov 0x160(%esp),%eax

 0x100622f3 <+19>: mov 0x190(%esp),%ebx

 0x100622fa <+26>: fldl 0x188(%esp)

 0x10062301 <+33>: fstpl 0x98(%esp)




 0x1006254a <+618>: jbe 0x10062920 <CProfileGenerator::CalcAccProfile(double,

double, double, double, double, dou

 ble, CProfileGenerator::CProfile&) const+1600>

 0x10062550 <+624>: fldl 0x98(%esp)

 0x10062557 <+631>: fstpl (%esp)

 0x1006255a <+634>: call 0x1005f2e0 <ABS<double>(double const&)>

 0x1006255f <+639>: fldl 0xb0(%esp)

 0x10062566 <+646>: fldz

 0x10062568 <+648>: fld %st(0)

 0x1006256a <+650>: fxch %st(2)

 0x1006256c <+652>: fucomi %st(2),%st

 0x1006256e <+654>: fstp %st(2)

 0x10062570 <+656>: jnp 0x10062b00 <CProfileGenerator::CalcAccProfile(double,

double, double, double, double, dou

 ble, CProfileGenerator::CProfile&) const+2080>




 0x10062b00 <+2080>: jne 0x10062580 <CProfileGenerator::CalcAccProfile(double,

double, double, double, double, dou

 ble, CProfileGenerator::CProfile&) const+672>

 0x10062b06 <+2086>: fstp %st(1)

 0x10062b08 <+2088>: fxch %st(1)

 0x10062b0a <+2090>: fstpl 0x30(%esp)

 0x10062b0e <+2094>: mov %ebx,%ecx

 0x10062b10 <+2096>: fldl 0x90(%esp)

 0x10062b17 <+2103>: mov $0x1,%edx

 0x10062b1c <+2108>: mov $0x1,%eax

 0x10062b21 <+2113>: fstpl 0x28(%esp)

 0x10062b25 <+2117>: fstl 0x20(%esp)

 0x10062b29 <+2121>: fstl 0x18(%esp)

 0x10062b2d <+2125>: fldl 0x88(%esp)

 0x10062b34 <+2132>: fstpl 0x10(%esp)

 0x10062b38 <+2136>: fldl 0xc8(%esp)

 0x10062b3f <+2143>: fstpl 0x8(%esp)

 0x10062b43 <+2147>: fstpl (%esp)

 0x10062b46 <+2150>: call 0x10061890

<CProfileGenerator::InternalAccCalc(double, double, double, double, double, bo

 ol, bool, double, double, bool, CProfileGenerator::CProfile&) const>

 0x10062b4b <+2155>: sub $0x38,%esp <-----------------------------------------


 0x10062b4e <+2158>: add $0x14c,%esp

 0x10062b54 <+2164>: pop %ebx

 0x10062b55 <+2165>: pop %esi

 0x10062b56 <+2166>: pop %edi

 0x10062b57 <+2167>: pop %ebp

 0x10062b58 <+2168>: ret $0x34


It looks like you reuse the same stack area for all the calls and just

re-adjust stack pointer back to compensate ret <N> instruction in functions

being called. With this, the cause of the problem is the following. It's all

about the method CProfileGenerator::InternalAccCalc which is being invoked. In

function faulting the method is called 4 times from different execution paths

(the first one shown above and the other 3 further in the function). Actually,

GCC has generated two instances of CProfileGenerator::InternalAccCalc: at

0x1005aa40 and 0x1005a660, - each of those two instances being called twice.

For first instance the stack is adjusted by 0x38 in caller, while for second

instance the stack is adjusted by 0x48. However if second instance contains

correct "ret 0x48" exit instructions, the first one containg just plain "ret"

which causes the stack corruption.

 Attached is the method's source and disassembled text of two instances


 The instances are invoked as InternalAccCalc(t0, p0, v0, 0.0, 0.0, true, true,

vel, acc, true, ret_profile); // #1

 InternalAccCalc(t0, p0, v0, a0, j, z1, z2, vel, acc, true, ret_profile); // #1

 InternalAccCalc(t0, p0, v0, a0, j, z1, z2, vel, limit_acc1, false,

ret_profile); // #2

 InternalAccCalc(t0, p0, v0, a0, j, z1, z2, vel, limit_acc2, false,

ret_profile); // #2

The GCC was auto-installed by setup application from SourceForge

 H:>"c:\Util\MinGW\bin\g++.exe" -v

 Using built-in specs.




 Target: mingw32

 Configured with: ../gcc-4.7.2/configure


 c,obj-c++ --disable-sjlj-exceptions --with-dwarf2 --enable-shared


 mp --disable-win32-registry --enable-libstdcxx-debug


 with-cxx --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --build=mingw32


 Thread model: win32

 gcc version 4.7.2 (GCC)

 The file was compiled with following options



 -D_MT -DUSE_DELPHI_STRINGS -mwindows -mconsole -mthreads -malign-double -Wall


 W -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -O3 -march=i686 -g -DLOGING -D_C

 ONSOLE -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Woverloaded-virtual -fno-inline


 ofiles/MoveProfileGenerator.cpp -c -o bin/release/MoveProfileGenerator.obj

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