--- Comment #4 from Frank Mehnert <fm3 at os dot> 2013-01-15 
13:53:04 UTC ---

The problem is that I cannot reproduce this problem either. Some versions of

gcc 4.7 might be affected (the affected user uses 'Exherbo gcc-4.7.2-r2'),

others not. As far as I can tell, only Intel 32-bit code is affected.

Regarding -mrtd: I don't know if this command line parameter is used at all.

I've just asked the affected user for the complete command line. But a function

with 'cdecl,regparm(0)' should pass all parameters on the stack on 32-bit x86

machines, right? And even if some parameters are passed in registers, EDI is

normally not used, only EAX, EDX or ECX but never EDI.

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