--- Comment #7 from Markus Eisenmann <> 
2013-04-17 09:17:36 UTC ---

At least this error is based on some libintl-macros, which will "redirect" some

stdio-functions (like vsnprintf ...) to their libintl-version(s); I.e. the

header-file libintl.h is available and included, but NLS/libintl isn't


Solution (as be possible by processing the attached patch/diff-file):

Add following undef's in the #else-region of gcc/intl.h (of #ifdef ENABLE_NLS),

for example after line #54:

#undef    fprintf

#undef    vfprintf

#undef    printf

#undef    vprintf

#undef    sprintf

#undef    vsprintf

#undef    snprintf

#undef    vsnprintf

#undef    asprintf

#undef    vasprintf

#undef    setlocale

Additional comment:

The header-file gcc/intl.h does already contain undef's to prevent using

libintl if not requested or configured. But not for the affected "stdio-funcs"

as vsnprintf [...], which may cause linker-errors (I.e. unresolved externals).

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