--- Comment #5 from Daniel Krügler <daniel.kruegler at googlemail dot com> ---
(In reply to Paolo Carlini from comment #2)
> Francois, did we change anything in the library for 4.8.x?

I think that Francois added more iterator concept checking and this one looks
correct. Unfortunately I would say, this is correct, because the standard says
so, but from a practical point of view, std::upper_bound "just works" for any
forward traversal iterator and it does not require that the return type of
operator* *really* is a reference type. We also cannot blame boost here,
because it is not their fault that the standard requires for forward iterators
to have a real reference return type for iterator dereference. My
recommendation to the issue reporter would be to provide a function object that
returns a real reference. This can be easily done by a unary functor adaptor
such as the following one:

template<class UnaryFunction, class ArgumentType>
struct LValueUnaryFunctionAdaptor
  typedef typename std::result_of<const UnaryFunction(ArgumentType)>::type
  LValueUnaryFunctionAdaptor(UnaryFunction func) : func(func) {}
  typedef const value_type& result_type;
  result_type operator()(ArgumentType arg) const
    return res = func(arg);
  UnaryFunction func;
  mutable value_type res;

template<class ArgumentType, class UnaryFunction>
LValueUnaryFunctionAdaptor<UnaryFunction, ArgumentType>
make_LValueUnaryFunction(UnaryFunction func)
  return LValueUnaryFunctionAdaptor<UnaryFunction, ArgumentType>(func);

So instead of


he could use


This trick doesn't make the transform_iterator fully conforming, but it should
convince the compile-time test machinery.

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