--- Comment #5 from François Dumont <fdumont at gcc dot> ---
And your remark is good too and will avoid me to spend some time on this idea.
Standard requirements regarding validity of iterators won't let us have
iterators invalidated because another iterator is erased, I do not need to
challenge it. For information, on my side I was more concerned about how I
would represent the past-the-end iterator.

Regarding the idea of having an erase_after method, usage of a forward_list
data structure for the hashtable implementation is a libstdc++ implementation
detail, not a Standard requirement. So Standard committee hasn't design it with
such a design decision. Our choice of a forward_list data structure is at the
moment the best tradeoff we came too but of course you are free to help us find
a better one. Note that I remember having tried to use a doubly linked list
when reviewing hashtable implementation but the memory overhead was resulting
in worst performance.

As you seem to have a lot of equivalent keys in your unordered_multimap<key,
value> you should perhaps move to an unordered_map<key, Container<value>>. I
even wonder if the libstdc++ profile mode could detect such an opportunity,
potentially saying what type of container should be used.

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