--- Comment #4 from Joost VandeVondele <Joost.VandeVondele at mat dot> 
(In reply to Kostya Serebryany from comment #3)
> Can you post the exact command line to reproduce the failure? 
> (We should have CP2K sources somewhere)

The exact command line is rather easy:

cd cp2k/tests/QS/regtest-hybrid-1
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ; ../../../exe/test_tsan/cp2k.ssmp H2O-hybrid-pbe0.inp

However, building a tsan instrumented CP2K is non-trivial, as it requires
libgomp to be built with tsan (see for a howto), and some of
the dependent libraries must be built with tsan as well. I'm happy to help, but
could take some time. Should I post detailed instructions?

Meanwhile another CP2K input fails with:

Unexpected mmap in InternalAllocator!

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