--- Comment #20 from Jan Hubicka <hubicka at ucw dot cz> ---
> --- Comment #17 from Markus Trippelsdorf <octoploid at yandex dot com> ---
> In the non-lto case one has:
> lib/
> U
> _ZN4llvm21SymbolTableListTraitsINS_10BasicBlockENS_8FunctionEE21transferNodesFromListERNS_12ilist_traitsIS1_EENS_14ilist_iteratorIS1_EES8_

I think this is a bug by itself, since the symbol seems to be nonkeyed comdat
and thus
every unit that use it should define it.

> If I understand you correctly, you say that the undefined symbol
> of lib/ is a bug in LLVM.

I think it is eitehr bug in source (LLVM). Most probably becuase
libLLVMAsmParser simply omits inline definition in where it
should not or some sort of bug in C++ visibility logic.

For that we need to figure out how the symbol is defined and used in


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