--- Comment #8 from Jouko Orava <jouko.orava at iki dot fi> ---
I confirm, still occurs with 4.7.3 and 4.8.1.

For simplicity, I obtained the 4.7 and 4.8 versions from Ubuntu toolchain test
builds' PPA,

GNU Fortran 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-2ubuntu1~12.04):
gdb backtrace:
  #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
  #1  0x000000000040c868 in write_float ()
  #2  0x0000000000405db6 in formatted_transfer ()
  #3  0x0000000000404004 in _gfortran_transfer_array ()
  #4  0x0000000000401396 in MAIN__ ()
Code near the segfault:
  40c85b:       0f 94 84 24 80 00 00    sete   0x80(%rsp)
  40c862:       00 
  40c863:       e8 98 37 bf ff          callq  0 <__libc_tsd_LOCALE>
  40c868:       41 83 3c 24 20          cmpl   $0x20,(%r12)
  40c86d:       0f 84 bd 08 00 00       je     40d130 <write_float+0x9e0>
  40c873:       44 0f b6 84 24 80 00    movzbl 0x80(%rsp),%r8d
Assigning a breakpoint at 40c863 and jumping to 40d130 avoids the segfault. The
printed output contains 'V' instead of \xb6.

GNU Fortran 4.8.1 (Ubuntu 4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04):
gdb backtrace:
  #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
  #1  0x000000000040c3e9 in write_float ()
  #2  0x0000000000406671 in formatted_transfer ()
  #3  0x000000000040402f in _gfortran_transfer_array ()
  #4  0x0000000000401396 in MAIN__ ()
Code near the segfault:
  40c3dc:       4c 89 e6                mov    %r12,%rsi
  40c3df:       b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax
  40c3e4:       e8 17 3c bf ff          callq  0 <__libc_tsd_LOCALE>
  40c3e9:       41 89 c0                mov    %eax,%r8d
  40c3ec:       0f b6 85 f0 fe ff ff    movzbl -0x110(%rbp),%eax
  40c3f3:       89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%rsp)
  40c3f7:       e9 c7 00 00 00          jmpq   40c4c3 <write_float+0x273>
Assigning a breakpoint at 40c3e4 and jumping to 40c3e9 or 40c4c3 avoids the
first segfault (again a call to __libc_tsd_LOCALE). Another segfault will occur
at 4531fb in memcpy(), in a 'rep movsq %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)' instruction, with
source (%rsi register) referring to just past/above stack (0x7ffffffff000).
(The process map indicates stack is at 7ffffffde000-7ffffffff000). To me, this
looks like trying to copy a string, but with the source string missing

In fact, this enforces my belief that the call to __libc_tsd_LOCALE really
should be some kind of setup for the locale-specific numeric formatting string,
and that finding out how a reference to the thread-specific locale structure
can be changed to a function call to that address.

That said, in all cases there are other calls to __libc_tsd_LOCALE (which all
would cause a segmentation fault, if executed) in the disassembly. If compiled
with 4.7.3, in
    _IO_flush_all_linebuffered: 438d04: 438d3a:
    _IO_flush_all_lockp: 438860: 4388da:
    _IO_link_in: 43787d: 4378ba:
    _IO_un_link: 43766f: 4376a2:
    _IO_vfprintf: 47a94e: 47aa5f:
    _IO_vfscanf: 4a448a: 4a55c0:
    _IO_vfwprintf: 4851ab: 4851f7:
    _Unwind_Find_FDE: 422a45: 422a95:
    __assert_fail_base: 4235dc:
    __dcigettext: 424609: 424613: 42469d: 4246cb: 4249db: 4249e5: 424a2f:
424a39: 424bc2: 424bcc: 424d78: 424db6:
    __deregister_frame_info_bases: 4228ed: 422975:
    __dl_iterate_phdr: 46b611: 46b6cf:
    __dlerror: 4ad826: 4ad83f:
    __dlsym: 4b3912: 4b393d:
    __dlvsym: 4b39c4: 4b39f1:
    __gconv_compare_alias: 46d621:
    __gconv_find_transform: 46d729:
    __libc_enable_asynccancel: 46a740:
    __libc_fork: 4664d6:
    __libc_start_main: 422e4e:
    __register_frame_info_bases: 42278b:
    __register_frame_info_table_bases: 42284a:
    __wcsmbs_load_conv: 465f3f: 466071:
    _dl_add_to_namespace_list: 49f7cb:
    _dl_addr: 46b7ad: 46b9c2:
    _dl_close: 4b3566:
    _dl_close_worker: 4b2ed9: 4b3078:
    _dl_fini: 4b5b3f: 4b5c06:
    _dl_lookup_symbol_x: 49f325: 49f3f5: 49f481:
    _dl_open: 4b1a4d: 4b1b12: 4b1b97: 4b1c6d:
    _dl_tlsdesc_resolve_hold_fixup: 4b3787:
    _dl_tlsdesc_resolve_rela_fixup: 4b361c: 4b363f:
    _dlerror_run: 4adad1: 4adb60: 4adb9f:
    _gfortran_arandom_r10: 41011b:
    _gfortran_arandom_r16: 41030b:
    _gfortran_arandom_r4: 40fd7b:
    _gfortran_arandom_r8: 40ff2a:
    _gfortran_random_r10: 40fb18:
    _gfortran_random_r16: 40fbef:
    _gfortran_random_r4: 40f9d3:
    _gfortran_random_r8: 40fa48:
    _gfortran_random_seed_i4: 4104c2: 410648:
    _gfortran_random_seed_i8: 4106e3:
    _gfortrani_close_units: 408c90:
    _gfortrani_convert_infnan: 41898b:
    _gfortrani_convert_real: 41888e:
    _gfortrani_find_file: 40a24e: 40a268: 40a282: 40a29b: 40a2af: 40a2b7:
    _gfortrani_flush_all_units: 40a36a: 40a3a1: 40a3c2: 40a3e9: 40a3f1: 40a40d:
    _gfortrani_get_internal_unit: 4083c8:
    _gfortrani_init_units: 408777: 40884b: 408922:
    _nl_find_domain: 424efb: 424f5b: 425064: 4250c1:
    _nl_find_msg: 423ca8: 423d11: 423ef2: 423f79: 424418: 42454b:
    _nl_get_alt_digit: 49942a: 49945e:
    _nl_get_walt_digit: 4994d9: 49956a:
    _nl_init_era_entries.part.0: 4996ea:
    _nl_load_domain: 4255c1:
    _nl_parse_alt_digit: 499605: 499686:
    _nl_unload_domain: 4b7072:
    buffered_vfprintf: 47a7da: 47a7f8:
    buffered_vfprintf: 48a5ba: 48a5d8:
    close_unit_1: 408bbf: 408bf1: 408c13:
    destroy_unit_mutex: 407e95:
    do_lookup_x: 49e562: 49e652: 49e733: 49eb6e:
    flush_all_units_1: 409808: 409828:
    free_key_mem: 4ada49:
    get_external_unit: 4080fd: 408165: 40818b: 4081a3: 4081ab: 408230: 408246:
    init: 4ad7e8:
    insert_unit: 408020:
    setlocale: 475fb6: 475fde: 476142: 476192: 47632f: 4765db:
    uw_init_context_1: 4207c3:
    write_float: 40c863:

If compiled with GNU Fortran 4.8.1, at
    _IO_flush_all_linebuffered: 439db4: 439dea:
    _IO_flush_all_lockp: 439910: 43998a:
    _IO_link_in: 43892d: 43896a:
    _IO_un_link: 43871f: 438752:
    _IO_vfprintf: 47b9ee: 47baff:
    _IO_vfscanf: 4a552a: 4a6660:
    _IO_vfwprintf: 48624b: 486297:
    _Unwind_Find_FDE: 423ad5: 423b25:
    __assert_fail_base: 42466c:
    __dcigettext: 425699: 4256a3: 42572d: 42575b: 425a6b: 425a75: 425abf:
425ac9: 425c52: 425c5c: 425e08: 425e46:
    __deregister_frame_info_bases: 42397d: 423a05:
    __dl_iterate_phdr: 46c6d1: 46c78f:
    __dlerror: 4ae8c6: 4ae8df:
    __dlsym: 4b49b2: 4b49dd:
    __dlvsym: 4b4a64: 4b4a91:
    __gconv_compare_alias: 46e6e1:
    __gconv_find_transform: 46e7e9:
    __libc_enable_asynccancel: 46b800:
    __libc_fork: 467586:
    __libc_start_main: 423ede:
    __register_frame_info_bases: 423826:
    __register_frame_info_table_bases: 4238da:
    __wcsmbs_load_conv: 466fef: 467121:
    _dl_add_to_namespace_list: 4a086b:
    _dl_addr: 46c86d: 46ca82:
    _dl_close: 4b4606:
    _dl_close_worker: 4b3f79: 4b4118:
    _dl_fini: 4b6bdf: 4b6ca6:
    _dl_lookup_symbol_x: 4a03c5: 4a0495: 4a0521:
    _dl_open: 4b2aed: 4b2bb2: 4b2c37: 4b2d0d:
    _dl_tlsdesc_resolve_hold_fixup: 4b4827:
    _dl_tlsdesc_resolve_rela_fixup: 4b46bc: 4b46df:
    _dlerror_run: 4aeb71: 4aec00: 4aec3f:
    _gfortran_arandom_r10: 4110ab:
    _gfortran_arandom_r16: 4112ab:
    _gfortran_arandom_r4: 410cdc:
    _gfortran_arandom_r8: 410eab:
    _gfortran_random_r10: 410aa8:
    _gfortran_random_r16: 410b6e:
    _gfortran_random_r4: 410963:
    _gfortran_random_r8: 4109d8:
    _gfortran_random_seed_i4: 411472: 4115f8:
    _gfortran_random_seed_i8: 411693:
    _gfortrani_close_units: 408af0:
    _gfortrani_convert_infnan: 419993:
    _gfortrani_convert_real: 4198a3:
    _gfortrani_find_file: 409cf7: 409d10: 409d2a: 409d43: 409d57: 409d5f:
    _gfortrani_flush_all_units: 409e1a: 409e51: 409e72: 409e8e: 409e96: 409ec7:
    _gfortrani_free_internal_unit: 408503:
    _gfortrani_get_internal_unit: 4082ab:
    _gfortrani_init_units: 408637: 40870b: 4087e2:
    _nl_find_domain: 425f8b: 425feb: 4260f4: 426151:
    _nl_find_msg: 424d38: 424da1: 424f82: 425009: 4254a8: 4255db:
    _nl_get_alt_digit: 49a4ca: 49a4fe:
    _nl_get_walt_digit: 49a579: 49a60a:
    _nl_init_era_entries.part.0: 49a78a:
    _nl_load_domain: 426651:
    _nl_parse_alt_digit: 49a6a5: 49a726:
    _nl_unload_domain: 4b8132:
    buffered_vfprintf: 47b87a: 47b898:
    buffered_vfprintf: 48b65a: 48b678:
    close_unit_1: 4089cf: 408a4b: 408a6f: 408ab1:
    do_lookup_x: 49f602: 49f6f2: 49f7d3: 49fc0e:
    flush_all_units_1: 408cc3: 408ce3:
    free_key_mem: 4aeae9:
    get_external_unit: 40801d: 40808d: 4080b3: 4080cb: 4080d3: 4080e9: 408150:
408166: 40818a:
    init: 4ae888:
    insert_unit: 407f90:
    setlocale: 477076: 47709e: 477202: 477252: 4773ef: 47769b:
    uw_init_context_1: 421469:
    write_float: 40c3e4: 40ca4a: 40cc82: 40d2a1:

I can attach the static binary and/or disassembly from 4.7.3 and/or 4.8.1, but
the binary is about a megabyte, and the disassembly is about ten megabytes.

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