--- Comment #17 from Jouko Orava <jouko.orava at iki dot fi> ---
I asked and received the details from Jacob Abel off-list, to find out if
this bug #60088 is related to bug #50201. They do not seem to be.

The instruction causing the segfault in this bug #60088 is
    66 0f 7f 02        movdqa %xmm0,(%edx)
which requires %edx to be aligned to a 16 byte boundary,
but %edx is 0x81325c8, unaligned. Thus, segfault.
Why this occurs with -mavx but not without, I do not know.

In short, the segfault is due to 8-byte aligned access,
where 16-byte alignment is required.

Perhaps this bug is related to bug #56564 ?

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