--- Comment #3 from janus at gcc dot ---
Here is a closely-related variant of comment 1:

program main
   implicit none

   type Foo
   end type

   type(foo), dimension(2:2) :: arg

   call copyFromArray(arg)


   subroutine copyFromArray(array)
      class (Foo), intent(in) :: array(:)
      print*,'lbound should be 1: ', lbound(array)
   end subroutine


This one also yields '1' for a TYPE argument (as expected), but '2' for a CLASS

So, we clearly need to add code to reset the bounds inside of 'copyFromArray'
(but having the temporary in comment 1 start from 1 won't hurt either, I guess,
though I'm not sure if there is a way to detect the difference).

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