--- Comment #9 from Dave Allured <dave.allured at noaa dot gov> ---
(In reply to janus from comment #8)
> Thanks, committed to the 4.8 branch as r208430. Will backport to 4.7 soon.

Janus, are you sure that the release branch of 4.7 really needs a fix?  My test
shows that the latest release, 4.7.3, passes this test case, but you said "4.7"
failed for you.

I just reconfirmed this with the Mac Ports distribution version of 4.7.3
(x86-64 target, Mac OS).  I recall that my IT staff got the same positive
result for 4.7.3 on Linux, but I can't confirm that on the weekend.

mac56:~/gfortran/bugs/shape-bug 14> gfortran-mp-4.7 --version | grep gcc
GNU Fortran (MacPorts gcc47 4.7.3_3) 4.7.3

mac56:~/gfortran/bugs/shape-bug 15> gfortran-mp-4.7 -Wall -Wextra

mac56:~/gfortran/bugs/shape-bug 16> cat shape-reduced.f90 
  real, allocatable :: x(:,:)
  allocate (x(3,2),source=99.)
  print *, shape (x / 10.0)

mac56:~/gfortran/bugs/shape-bug 17> ./a.out
           3           2

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