--- Comment #11 from Peter Bergner <bergner at gcc dot> ---
Looking at some stage2 and stage3 obj files that Matthias sent me, there are
actual code differences between the stage2 and stage3 compiles.  The following
code shows one example.  The difference seems to be that the stage2 compile
uses an extra non-volatile register to hold one formal argument that will be
used as a param for one of the calls, while the stage 3 compile stores it onto
the stack and then reloads it just before it's used as a param.

Vlad, can you think of any way that your change might affect this?  It seems
suspicious that your patch forces some pseudos to memory similar to what we are
seeing here.

Matthias, you said on some systems, you don't see this issue, while on some
others (newer?) you do.  Can you explain what is different between your good
and failing builds?

./stage2-libiberty/pic/xstrdup.o:     | ./stage3-libiberty/pic/xstrdup.o:     

<xstrdup>:                              <xstrdup>:
   0:   addis   r2,r12,0                   0:   addis   r2,r12,0
   4:   addi    r2,r2,0                    4:   addi    r2,r2,0 
   8:   mflr    r0                         8:   mflr    r0
   c:   std     r30,-16(r1)           |    c:   std     r31,-8(r1)
  10:   std     r31,-8(r1)            |   10:   std     r0,16(r1)
  14:   mr      r30,r3                |   14:   stdu    r1,-64(r1)
  18:   std     r0,16(r1)             |   18:   std     r3,32(r1)
  1c:   stdu    r1,-48(r1)            |   1c:   bl      1c <xstrdup+0x1c>
  20:   bl      20 <xstrdup+0x20>     |   20:   nop
  24:   nop                           |   24:   addi    r31,r3,1
  28:   addi    r31,r3,1              |   28:   mr      r3,r31  
  2c:   mr      r3,r31                |   2c:   bl      2c <xstrdup+0x2c>
  30:   bl      30 <xstrdup+0x30>     |   30:   nop
  34:   nop                           |   34:   ld      r4,32(r1)
  38:   mr      r4,r30                |   38:   mr      r5,r31  
  3c:   mr      r5,r31                |   3c:   bl      3c <xstrdup+0x3c>
  40:   bl      40 <xstrdup+0x40>     |   40:   nop
  44:   nop                           |   44:   addi    r1,r1,64
  48:   addi    r1,r1,48              |   48:   ld      r0,16(r1)
  4c:   ld      r0,16(r1)             |   4c:   ld      r31,-8(r1)
  50:   ld      r30,-16(r1)           |   50:   mtlr    r0
  54:   ld      r31,-8(r1)            |   54:   blr
  58:   mtlr    r0                    |   58:   .long 0x0
  5c:   blr                           |   5c:   .long 0x1000000
  60:   .long 0x0                     |   60:   .long 0x180
  64:   .long 0x1000000               <
  68:   .long 0x280                   <

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