--- Comment #5 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
> Confirmed with 4.9.1 revision r212339. AFAICT revision r210749 is OK.
> I suspect r211405 for 4.10 and r212329 for 4.9. Can you revert r212329
> and see if the error disappear?

I am afraid that I am the culprit, i.e., r212329: I get the error with r209838
+ the patch in r212329. However the failures are not exactly the same:
with 4.9.1 revision r212339, it is

| Creating decay process library for particle W+
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': initialized
| decay_p24_1: W+ => dbar u
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_1'
| decay_p24_2: ?O => sbar c
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_2'
| decay_p24_3:  => e+ nue
whizard(32872,0x7fff7738d310) malloc: *** error for object 0x7f805874ea60:
pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

while with r209838 + patch, it is

| Creating decay process library for particle W+
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': initialized
| decay_p24_1: W+ => dbar u
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_1'
| decay_p24_2:  => sbar c
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_2'
whizard(36947,0x7fff7738d310) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fb8c3755810:
pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

For 4.9.0, I get

| Creating decay process library for particle W+
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': initialized
| decay_p24_1: W+ => dbar u
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_1'
| decay_p24_2: W+ => sbar c
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_2'
| decay_p24_3: W+ => e+ nue
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_3'
| decay_p24_4: W+ => mu+ numu
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_4'
| decay_p24_5: W+ => tau+ nutau
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': recorded process 'decay_p24_5'
| Integrate: current process library needs compilation
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': compiling ...
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': writing makefile
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': writing driver
| Process library 'default_lib_dp24': creating source code
rm -f decay_p24_1_i1.f90
rm -f opr_decay_p24_1_i1.mod
rm -f decay_p24_1_i1.lo
rm -f decay_p24_2_i1.f90
rm -f opr_decay_p24_2_i1.mod
rm -f decay_p24_2_i1.lo
rm -f decay_p24_3_i1.f90
rm -f opr_decay_p24_3_i1.mod
rm -f decay_p24_3_i1.lo
rm -f decay_p24_4_i1.f90
rm -f opr_decay_p24_4_i1.mod
rm -f decay_p24_4_i1.lo
rm -f decay_p24_5_i1.f90
rm -f opr_decay_p24_5_i1.mod
rm -f decay_p24_5_i1.lo
/usr/local/bin/omega_SM.opt -o decay_p24_1_i1.f90 -target:whizard
-target:parameter_module parameters_SM -target:module opr_decay_p24_1_i1
-target:md5sum 'B42EAF21C73773800B93C9AE1495DD00' -fusion:progress -decay 'W+
-> dbar u' 
make: /usr/local/bin/omega_SM.opt: Command not found
make: *** [decay_p24_1_i1.f90] Error 127
| command: make source -j1 -f default_lib_dp24.makefile
| Return code = 512
*** FATAL ERROR: System command returned with nonzero status code
WHIZARD run aborted.

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