--- Comment #8 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 06:18:14PM +0000, e2cd58e1 at opayq dot com wrote:
> --- Comment #7 from e2cd58e1 at opayq dot com ---
> For
>     printf("Test 1 = %.4f\n",strtod("1.2345",NULL));
>     printf("Test 2 = %.4f\n",strtod("1,2345",NULL));
> I get
>     Test 1 = 1,0000
>     Test 2 = 1,2345

That's what I would expect.  Here's another test;

#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
   char *s1 = "1.2345", *s2 = "5,4321";
   double d1, d2;

   setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.ISO8859-1");
   d1 = strtod(s1, NULL);
   d2 = strtod(s2, NULL);
   printf("%s = %.4lf and %s = %.4lf\n", s1, d1, s2, d2);

   setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8");
   d1 = strtod(s1, NULL);
   d2 = strtod(s2, NULL);
   printf("%s = %.4lf and %s = %.4lf\n", s1, d1, s2, d2);
   return 0;

I get

troutmask:sgk[204] ./z
1.2345 = 1.2345 and 5,4321 = 5.0000
1.2345 = 1,0000 and 5,4321 = 5,4321

So, the section of code that I posted in comment 6 is 
ensuring that the fraction separator is always a decimal
point, and your locale and strtod are expecting a comma.

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