--- Comment #3 from Richard PALO <richard at netbsd dot org> ---
Well, apparently this was affecting many using gcc 4.9.x and a workaround was
given here

I tested it and now have (as with 4.8.x):
>richard@omnis:/tmp/pkgsrc/devel/xulrunner31/work/build/content/media$ nm -C 
>MediaDecoderReader.o |grep MallocSizeOf
>[148]  |         0|        29|FUNC |WEAK |2    |90     
>|mozilla::AudioQueueMemoryFunctor::MallocSizeOf(const void*)
> [_ZN7mozilla23AudioQueueMemoryFunctor12MallocSizeOfEPKv]
>[145]  |         0|        29|FUNC |WEAK |2    |87     
>|mozilla::VideoQueueMemoryFunctor::MallocSizeOf(const void*)
> [_ZN7mozilla23VideoQueueMemoryFunctor12MallocSizeOfEPKv]

Is there any further information I can provide now to find this nasty problem?

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