--- Comment #2 from zaz at ua7 dot net ---
But this is deliberate out-of-bands. IE in this test application searchDict2
lookup all KV fields in dict structure in loop based on kv1 offset:
kv1 + 0 - this is pointer to kv1
kv1 + 1 - this is pointer to kv2
kv1 + 2 - this is pointer to kv3
All other C compilers (tested on CLANG and Microsoft C compiller) and early
version of GCC (for example 4.3 in CentOS 6) work with this test as expected.
And as I know many C projects (for example asterisk) use similar code for
manage complex structures. For example asterisk have a lot structures like
struct PascalString
  int length;
  char data[0];
And then just allocate necessary memory block and able access to something
like:[100] - if allocated block have enough size.

As I told before original problem was found in opensource library sofia-sip-ua
in code which not changed many years.

In any case you able leave this issue without without any attention - but I
recommend you take a look on this problem a bit closer.

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