--- Comment #1 from Ying-Po Liao <yingpo.liao at gmail dot com> ---
Here's another implementation, which results in the same consequence.

template <typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
  struct Checker
    constexpr static decltype(auto) check( std::true_type )
    { return std::integral_constant<bool, __is_same_as(T, U)>(); }

    constexpr static decltype(auto) check( std::false_type )
    { return std::integral_constant<bool, __is_same_as(T, U) 
          && Checker<U, Args...>::value>(); }

    constexpr static bool value = decltype( 
      check( std::integral_constant<bool, (sizeof...(Args)==0)>() ) 

template <typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
  concept bool Same()
    return Checker<T, U, Args...>::value;

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