--- Comment #12 from asmwarrior <asmwarrior at gmail dot com> ---
Hi, I just did a test on the cygwin 32bit tool chain.
1, download the cygwin installer.
2, install  gcc-g++ 4.9.2 and boost 1.57 package
3, run the steps in comment 6, except that you don't need to add the
"-ID:\mingw-builds\boost_1_55_0" in the build command, because we can use the
boost library installed from the previous step. 
4, when building the pch files, I get a 318M pch.h.gch file
5, when building the object file, I get a 365K test.o file

So, this bug doesn't happen in the cygwin tool chain, and it looks like the bug
only happens in the MinGW and MinGW-W64 tool chain.

Any ideas what is the reason of this bug? Maybe, someone can supply a debug
version of g++, and let help to run under GDB.

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