--- Comment #26 from Giuseppe Ottaviano <ott at fb dot com> ---
(In reply to Jonathan Wakely from comment #25)
> There was a G++ bug (now fixed) that made void_t not work, try this
> alternative version:
> template< class... > struct __voider { using type = void; };
> template< class... _T0toN > using __void_t = typename
> __voider<_T0toN...>::type;

Thanks, I finally got it to work! I also had to hack back __alloctr_rebind
because hashtable.h depended on it.

I can confirm that, on my test files, the trailing return approach is not
slower than enable_if on return. 
Since std::allocator is pretty much the only used allocator, I also tried to
add a partial specialization allocator_traits<allocator<T>> so that no SFINAE
has to be performed, and there is a non-negligible speedup:

enable_if on return type: 100% (baseline)
_Require/enable_if on extra template argument: 225%
detected_or_t/trailing return type: 100%
partial specialization for allocator<>: 89%

This is all with GCC 4.9.2 with no optimization flags. GCC 5.2 gives similar

Do you use partial specializations as performance optimizations (thus
equivalent to the general case) in libstdc++?

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