--- Comment #21 from Thomas Koenig <tkoenig at gcc dot> ---

> Hidden behind a -fexternal-blas-n switch might be an option. Including GPUs
> seems even a tad more tricky. We have a paper on GPU (small) matrix
> multiplication,

Quite interesting what can be done with GPUs...

> . BTW, another interesting project is the libxsmm library more aimed at
> small (<128) matrices see : . Not sure if
> this info is useful in this context, but it might provide inspiration.

I assume that for  small matrices bordering on the silly
(say, a matrix multiplication with dimensions of (1,2) and (2,1))
the inline code will be faster if the code is compiled with the
right options, due to function call overhead.  I also assume that
libxsmm will become faster quite soon for bigger sizes.

Do you have an idea where the crossover is?

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