--- Comment #7 from Iain Sandoe <iains at gcc dot> ---
(In reply to Nenad Vukicevic from comment #6)
> On 11/24/15 9:27 AM, dominiq at lps dot wrote:
> >

I suspect we have two issues here:

> Maybe line 820 should pass 'false' as this is the case similar to LTO
> not being enabled?

That seems reasonable a first blush, we should _not_ call dsymutil for

gcc foo.o bar.o -g -o t

And we plainly do..

The purpose of dsymutil on the link line is to preserve debug info from
temporary files.

so for:

gcc foo.c -g -o t

/tmp/blah-foo.o is created and used to link "t" 
... but t doesn't contain the debug info (only references to the .o files) and
the (/tmp) .o files will be deleted at the end of the link.  Step in dsymutil
which links the debug info into a t.dSYM .. and we're all happy.

Normally for
gcc foo.o bar.o -g -o t
there is no need for dsymutil because foo.o and bar.o (which contain the debug
data) will be available after the link.

In the case of an lto link:

gcc foo.o bar.o -flto -g -o t

now we have a situation where, if foo.o, bar.o (or both) contain lto data this
will be linked - and then the compiler will run generating a /tmp/lto-blah.o
based on the lto'd input.  This temp file will be deleted one the final link is
done - and we'd be back to losing debug info.

So we have it run dsymutil if we're doing lto, and a temporary file is created.

We seem to have the logic wrong / insufficient so that it is getting run when
there is no (apparent) need.


I's not immediately obvious that clang is DTRT if it doesn't run dsymutil for
the same scenario (but let's leave that to one side for now).


> I think the problem is in the symbols we generate, or the tool itself,
> and this issue shows up only if you have LTO enabled.  I can provide the
> object file that has problems and this might be enough if someone builds
> LLVM on Apple and tries llvm-dsymutil tool on it.  This should be the
> same tool as Apple's dsymutil, if we can duplicate the problem then we
> can debug it.

So I agree, the root problem is that we are creating something that the newer
version of dsymutil doesn't understand - it could be we're making a mistake or
new dsymutil could be still green.

I've got a TOT clang build and will investigate a bit.

What happens if you do a clang link and then do "dsymutil result"?

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