--- Comment #11 from henric at bergenwall dot com ---
I have noted that the compilation works with any 2 out of the 3 gcc-flags!

> gcc -finstrument-functions -ffixed-ebp a.c -> successfully compiles!
> gcc -m32 -ffixed-ebp a.c                   -> successfully compiles!
> gcc -m32 -finstrument-functions a.c        -> successfully compiles!

> gcc -m32 -finstrument-functions -ffixed-ebp a.c -> fails with internal error

Given that -ffixed-ebp works individually with both -finstrument-functions and
-m32, but not together, maybe it is tricky to error out on -ffixed-ebp, not
destroying something that already works?

Btw, in the company that I work for (>100.000 employees worldwide), we have
legacy code that relies on -ffixed-ebp, so please don't be too aggressive when
if you decide to error out on compilation with -ffixed-ebp.

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