--- Comment #6 from Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle at gcc dot> ---
When using the REPEAT intrinsic as a parameter, the frontend is simplifying
this to an actual string constant of the requested length. In this process it
is attempting to allocate length + 1 in order to internally NULL terminate the
string.  The NULL termination is not strictly needed and when I remove it on my
system I get the expected results:

f951: out of memory allocating 8589934588 bytes after a total of 569344 bytes

Each character is a wide character to accommodate different encodings and in
this case is 4 bytes.

When trying to allocate len + 1 where len is huge, the result is wrapped,
signed vs unsigned integers.

I am tempted to put in an arbitrary limit on the size of string constants and
issue a warning when it happens and truncate the result to the allowed limit. 
This would give a more useful message.

If I were to do this, what would be a reasonable limit for string constants?

How about 2^30 = 1073741824?

The other choice we have here is do nothing and close this as WON'T FIX.
Although the error message we get from the OS: "f951: out of memory allocating
18446744065119617024 " is confusing.

I can cast the signed integer length to uint32_t and avoid the big number.

Any opinions?

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