--- Comment #2 from Gerhard Steinmetz <> 
A variant that aborts with this message directly :

$ gfortran-6 z1.f90
f951: internal compiler error: in gfc_assign_data_value, at fortran/data.c:449

$ cat z1.f90
program p
   type t
      integer :: n
   end type
   type(t), pointer :: z => null()
   data z%n / 3 /
   print *, z%n


A minimal change of z1.f90 immediately points to pr50410 :

$ cat z2.f90
program p
   type t
      integer :: n
   end type
   type(t), pointer :: z
   data z%n / 3 /
   print *, z%n

$ gfortran-6 z2.f90
f951: internal compiler error: in record_reference, at cgraphbuild.c:64

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