--- Comment #10 from DB <db0451 at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Manuel López-Ibáñez from comment #8)

Thanks for the thoughts!

> Those "artificial kludges" not only silence the warning, but also make the
> code more readable and help the optimizer.  A call to abort() or to any
> noreturn function, for example, assert(), will also silence the warning and
> it is safer than adding a new option to silence it.

Yeah, I've since thought of using abort(), which as you say, silences the
warning - and indicates with sufficient strength that this shouldn't happen.
assert() isn't much use since the warning would return as soon I compile in
release mode... been there, tried that. :)

> You can use #pragma GCC diagnostic to disable the warning for this
> particular function. If that seems even more of kludge than adding assert(),
> you are right. But then, adding a #pragma around your whole codebase (which
> is what a new option amounts to) sounds even worse, no?(In reply to DB from
> comment #7)

Thanks for the hint, and yeah, that would probably produce even messier code
;-) Good to know it exists though.

> Perhaps there are uses for an __attribute__((strict_enum)) that can be
> attached to particular enums (it would be a more fine-grained version of
> -fstrict-enums). However, the effort to implement such a thing and keep it
> working seems huge for and the potential fallout for handling it wrong (or
> users misusing the attribute). Such an attribute is basically giving even
> more license to the compiler to optimize based on undefined behavior, and
> users often find UB incomprehensible.  Compare that with the effort of
> asking users to add __builtin_unreachable() (if they are sure their code
> will never be wrong) or add an assert(false) (if they are not completely
> sure).

Yeah, I think this would be best as a Standard thing, rather than adding
another custom attribute to any given compiler.

I don't see why it gives "even more licence" to optimise, though, since it'd be
conditional per enum, rather than -fstrict-enums, which applies globally... so
if anyone inadvertently invokes UB, they've got much more chance of being
caught out if they're using the existing global option, than if there was a
per-enum attribute for whether or not the value must be a named enumerator.

> Perhaps I should add an entry to the FAQ summarizing the above (anyone feel
> free to beat me to it...)

Couldn't hurt. :) There are some great explanations collected around the net
(including some on IRC, but I'm sure you know those ;) but it's hard to find a
pre-emptive summary of why this isn't already done.


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