--- Comment #11 from Jan Lachnitt <pepalogik at seznam dot cz> ---
Thank you all for a rapid investigation of the problem.

Here is a confirmation with the large test case:

jenda@VivoBook ~/Bug reports/gfortran/6/PhSh1 $ gfortran-6 phsh1.f -std=legacy
-I. -march=core-avx-i -o core-avx-i/phsh1
jenda@VivoBook ~/Bug reports/gfortran/6/PhSh1 $ cd core-avx-i/
jenda@VivoBook ~/Bug reports/gfortran/6/PhSh1/core-avx-i $ time ./phsh1 <
 Slab or Bulk calculation?
 input 1 for Slab or 0 for Bulk
 Input the MTZ value from the substrate calculation

real    221m0.225s
user    220m52.488s
sys     0m4.488s
jenda@VivoBook ~/Bug reports/gfortran/6/PhSh1/core-avx-i $ rm check.o mufftin.d 
jenda@VivoBook ~/Bug reports/gfortran/6/PhSh1/core-avx-i $ LD_BIND_NOW=1 time
./phsh1 < ../bmtz
 Slab or Bulk calculation?
 input 1 for Slab or 0 for Bulk
 Input the MTZ value from the substrate calculation
4512.06user 1.50system 1:15:16elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
23408inputs+34424outputs (7major+1219minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Really, LD_BIND_NOW=1 does wonders :-) . suggests building with
"-Wl,-z,now" (I suppose this does the same as LD_BIND_NOW=1). Can it be used as
a general workaround, before glibc 2.25 is available?

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