--- Comment #5 from janus at gcc dot ---
(In reply to janus from comment #4)
> Looking at the dump, one probably needs a polymorphic reference to
> 'a->_vptr->write_formatted' instead of using the interface?

Btw, such wrong-code behavior is also seen in the non-abstract version:

module object_interface
  type :: object
    procedure :: write_formatted
    generic :: write(formatted) => write_formatted
  end type
  subroutine write_formatted(this,unit,iotype,vlist,iostat,iomsg)
    class(object), intent(in) :: this
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
    character (len=*), intent(in) :: iotype
    integer, intent(in) :: vlist(:)
    integer, intent(out) :: iostat
    character (len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg
  end subroutine

  subroutine assert(a)
    class(object):: a
    write(*,*) a
  end subroutine
end module


If the write procedure is overwritten in an extended type, then the write
statement still calls the one from the base class, which is wrong.

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