--- Comment #17 from Dominik Vogt <vogt at linux dot> ---
Can you make sense of these results?  The size of gamess has not changed, but
the runtime has but still looks noticeably worse.  The astar performance looks
similar to yesterday's result without the change from comment 16.

Diffing i473.astar 9458 old.s 4936 smaller (-294 lines) (11 funcs bigger)
Diffing i458.sjeng 34678 old.s 23820 smaller (-197 lines) (7 funcs bigger)
Diffing i445.gobmk 216664 old.s 152439 smaller (-1352 lines) (178 funcs bigger)
Diffing i400.perlbench 248535 old.s 232015 smaller (-1201 lines) (209 funcs
Diffing i483.xalancbmk 743937 old.s 374620 BIGGER! (+404 lines) (630 funcs
Diffing f416.gamess 1913604 old.s 1175120 BIGGER! (+7805 lines) (327 funcs
--                               run-old.result                run-new.result
f416.gamess                             6.55s    6.70s (   2.29%,  -2.24% )
i400.perlbench                          7.69s    7.20s (  -6.37%,   6.81% )
i445.gobmk                              3.65s    3.55s (  -2.74%,   2.82% )
i458.sjeng                              3.83s    3.75s (  -2.09%,   2.13% )
i473.astar                              7.34s    7.61s (   3.68%,  -3.55% )
i483.xalancbmk                          7.62s    7.55s (  -0.92%,   0.93% )

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