--- Comment #6 from Martin Liška <marxin at gcc dot> ---
GCC also has information that there are multiple functions pointing to a same
line of code:

$ gcov-dump test.gcno | grep FUNCTION
test.gcno: 01000000:  11:FUNCTION ident=108032747, lineno_checksum=0xc563f9a6,
cfg_checksum=0x21286892, `main' test.cpp:19
test.gcno: 01000000:  14:FUNCTION ident=1482441317, lineno_checksum=0xa9f23a94,
cfg_checksum=0xa43083b8, `_ZN3FooIiE4testEv' test.cpp:10
test.gcno: 01000000:  13:FUNCTION ident=402991310, lineno_checksum=0x0169e3ec,
cfg_checksum=0xa43083b8, `_ZN3FooIiEC2Ev' test.cpp:5
test.gcno: 01000000:  14:FUNCTION ident=1097691245, lineno_checksum=0x30c3089c,
cfg_checksum=0xa43083b8, `_ZN3FooIfE4testEv' test.cpp:10
test.gcno: 01000000:  13:FUNCTION ident=56186600, lineno_checksum=0x9a359dca,
cfg_checksum=0xa43083b8, `_ZN3FooIfEC2Ev' test.cpp:5

What we need to do is to properly present that.

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