--- Comment #3 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
> By my count, you are off by one character in one of your field widths.
> Add a space at the end of the lines in the input file or change format to
>    person_format='(a,2x,i3,2x,f4.2,1x,f3.0)'
> 1x, not 2x toward the end. (or maybe add a decimal point at end of lines
> in input file)

The code works if I replace ch3701_input_file.txt with

Zahpod Beeblebrox                42  1.85  75.
Ford Prefect                     25  1.75  65.
Arthur Dent                      30  1.72  68.
Trillian                         30  1.65  45.

IMO this PR should be resolved as INVALID.

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