--- Comment #15 from Leslie Zhai <lesliezhai at llvm dot> ---
(In reply to Felix Fietkau from comment #10)
> (In reply to Leslie Zhai from comment #9)
> > GCC 8.0 Still reproducible:
> > 
> > 
> > 0000000000000000 <mytest>:
> >    0:   8c830008        lw      v1,8(a0)
> >    4:   24020001        li      v0,1
> >    8:   1062000d        beq     v1,v0,40 <mytest+0x40>
> >    c:   00000000        nop
> >   10:   8c830000        lw      v1,0(a0)
> >   14:   28630002        slti    v1,v1,2
> >   18:   1060000b        beqz    v1,48 <mytest+0x48>
> >   1c:   00000000        nop
> >   20:   dc820010        ld      v0,16(a0)
> >   24:   dc420000        ld      v0,0(v0)
> >   28:   00a2182b        sltu    v1,a1,v0
> >   2c:   14600006        bnez    v1,48 <mytest+0x48>
> >   30:   00000000        nop
> >   34:   0045102b        sltu    v0,v0,a1
> >   38:   03e00008        jr      ra
> >   3c:   0002102f        dnegu   v0,v0
> >   40:   03e00008        jr      ra
> >   44:   2402ffff        li      v0,-1
> >   48:   03e00008        jr      ra
> >   4c:   24020001        li      v0,1
> Actually, I think that assembly looks unaffected by the issue.

Thanks for your response! I am also tracking the issue

I will compare with LLVM 7.x's Mips Target :)

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