--- Comment #5 from Peter Cordes <peter at cordes dot ca> ---

gcc7/8 optimizes this to and / cmp / jb, while gcc6.3 doesn't.

void rangecheck_var(int64_t x, int64_t lim2) {
  //lim2 >>= 60;
  lim2 &= 0xf;  // let the compiler figure out the limited range of limit
  if (x>=0 && x<lim2) ext();

gcc7 also fixed the -mtune=haswell bug where we got `movl %edi, %eax; subl $0,
%eax` instead of  `test %edi,%edi`.

gcc8.1 still has the missed optimization with a compile-time constant
0..INT_MAX-1 range:

void r0_to_imax_1(int x){ if (x>=0 && x<=(INT_MAX-1)) ext(); }  // clang and
gcc use 2 branches

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