Bug ID: 86340
           Summary: GCC 8.1 produces broken code for m68k with
                    optimization levels above -O1
           Product: gcc
           Version: 8.1.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: c
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: kalamatee at gmail dot com
  Target Milestone: ---

Compiling the following file for AROS m68k using gcc 8.1 produces broken code

Default command line used -:

m68k-aros-gcc -iquote
/mnt/NAS/PC/AROS/branches/ABI_V1-Clean/src/rom/graphics/./ -iquote
/mnt/NAS/PC/AROS/branches/ABI_V1-Clean/src/rom/graphics -iquote .  -Os
-fno-strict-aliasing -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -fbuiltin -Wall
-Werror -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-parentheses -Wno-volatile-register-var -g
-D__SRCFILENAME__=\"rom/graphics/finddisplayinfo.c\" -c
/mnt/NAS/PC/AROS/branches/ABI_V1-Clean/src/rom/graphics/./finddisplayinfo.c -o

Only optimization levels of -O0 or -O1 produce valid results.

The broken code is as follows -:

00000000 <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo>:
   0:   2f0e            movel %fp,%sp@-
   2:   2f02            movel %d2,%sp@-
   4:   5280            addql #1,%d0
   6:   6732            beqs 3a <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x3a>
   8:   206e 0224       moveal %fp@(548),%a0
   c:   b0fc 0000       cmpaw #0,%a0
  10:   6608            bnes 1a <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x1a>
  12:   2008            movel %a0,%d0
  14:   241f            movel %sp@+,%d2
  16:   2c5f            moveal %sp@+,%fp
  18:   4e75            rts
  1a:   2228 0008       movel %a0@(8),%d1
  1e:   2401            movel %d1,%d2
  20:   c480            andl %d0,%d2
  22:   b4a8 0004       cmpl %a0@(4),%d2
  26:   6716            beqs 3e <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x3e>
  28:   2050            moveal %a0@,%a0
  2a:   60e0            bras c <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0xc>
  2c:   b081            cmpl %d1,%d0
  2e:   67e2            beqs 12 <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x12>
  30:   5088            addql #8,%a0
  32:   2210            movel %a0@,%d1
  34:   74ff            moveq #-1,%d2
  36:   b481            cmpl %d1,%d2
  38:   66f2            bnes 2c <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x2c>
  3a:   91c8            subal %a0,%a0
  3c:   60d4            bras 12 <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x12>
  3e:   4681            notl %d1
  40:   c081            andl %d1,%d0
  42:   41e8 0036       lea %a0@(54),%a0
  46:   60ea            bras 32 <Graphics_121_FindDisplayInfo+0x32>

It is broken because 0x00000004/0x00000006 performs an addql to d0 to determine
if ID == INVALID_ID, when ID != INVALID_ID it ends up at 0x0000001a which
performs andl against the modified d0, rather than its original value -
resulting in the function never finding the correct entry.

GCC 6.x produces correct code, however I am unable to test if this regression
was introduced with GCC 7 or GCC 8.

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