--- Comment #5 from Janne Blomqvist <jb at gcc dot> ---
I looked through some mails in the archives, and I learned that the current
wwwdocs uses metahtml, which hasn't been maintained for years and years, and
doesn't even compile anymore. Ugh!

For an even more drastic solution than the proposed xhtml -> html5 conversion,
what about converting to use, say, sphinx (  There are
certainly other tools for generating static websites, but sphinx is maintained
and fairly widely used for software documentation style sites. E.g. everything
on, and the Linux kernel ( and ).

I'm slightly biased, as we use sphinx (with readthedocs, but with our own DNS
name) for a project at work, and we're quite happy with it.

The feasibility of this of course depends on being able to convert the existing
html docs to rst (or markdown) in some (semi-)automated fashion.  Maybe pandoc
is up to it..?  If you think this is not a completely mad idea, I can have a go
at it and see if I get some preliminary conversion done with a modest amount of

(and yes, sphinx does generate html5, so using sphinx would fix this PR as
well. :) )

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