--- Comment #19 from Gary Mills <gary_mills at fastmail dot fm> ---
The reason that OI-SPARC uses the native assembler is the same as in Fiddler
on the Roof: tradition.  Actually, there are some kernel files written in SPARC
assembly language.  These only compile with the native assembler.  Hence, gcc
built to use the native assembler.

On OI-x86, the native assembler is not necessary and therefore not used.

It's entirely possible that the assembler is an old version.  OI does not have
source for the assembler, only the binary that came from Opensolaris.  The one
I use on my T2000 has this version string:

    as: Sun Compiler Common 12 SunOS_sparc snv_121 08/03/2009

I'm in the midst of tracking down the origin of that null pointer that causes
the ICE.  With gdb, breakpoints seem not to work, but I can use it to analyze
core files.

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