--- Comment #2 from Walt Karas <wkaras at yahoo dot com> ---
(In reply to Andrew Pinski from comment #1)
> This is because of the way inline have different semantics between the two
> langauges.
> If I change TSFastDbg to be static instead of just inline, then the code
> emitted is the same.
> In the case of C, since TSFastDbg is not inlined, there exists an out of
> line version of it in a different TU.
> In the case of C++, TSFastDbg has vague linkage, there for will be emitted
> but in a comdat section.
> The options you have turned on for godbolt, hide this fact; turning them off
> you get:
> .Ltext0:
>         .section       
> .text._Z9TSFastDbgP14TSFastDbgCntl_PKcz,"axG",@progbits,
> _Z9TSFastDbgP14TSFastDbgCntl_PKcz,comdat
>         .p2align 4,,15
>         .weak   _Z9TSFastDbgP14TSFastDbgCntl_PKcz
>         .type   _Z9TSFastDbgP14TSFastDbgCntl_PKcz, @function
> _Z9TSFastDbgP14TSFastDbgCntl_PKcz:
> See how that is a comdat section.

Hmmm it seems you are saying that inline (or weak linkage by any other name) in
C++ somehow prohibits inlining.  I thought that, in C++, a weak linkage
function may or may not be inlined.  If it isn't, its object code must be in a
vague linkage section.  But there is no requirement for its object code to
appear in a vague linkage section, is there?

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