--- Comment #7 from baltic <1000hz.radiowave at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Jonathan Wakely from comment #5)

> So don't store them as filesystem::path objects then, store them as strings
> and create a path as needed.

Type system is here for a reason. And it has advantages to type something,
which is naturally a path, as such, not as an arbitrary string.

> GCC's implementation creates the path components eagerly, so that
> path::iterator meets the requirements of a forward iterator, whereas the
> libc++ implementation creates them lazily during iteration, and so is not a
> valid forward iterator. 

It doesn't have to be. See standard

A path::iterator is a constant iterator satisfying all the requirements of a
bidirectional iterator (27.2.6)
except that, for dereferenceable iterators a and b of type path::iterator with
a == b, there is no requirement
that *a and *b are bound to the same object. Its value_type is path.

> The implementations have different trade-offs. That is not a bug.

Poorly considered trade-offs are called "bad design" ;)
Besides, your implementation breaks the fundamental C++ design principle "you
don't pay for what you don't use". now everyone has to pay x10 memory overhead
even if they are not ever going to iterate over a path object. I agree, that is
not a bug, in C++ world, its a pure crime ;)

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