Bug ID: 90765
           Summary: preferred_stack_boundary is updated for callee
           Product: gcc
           Version: 10.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: rtl-optimization
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: at gmail dot com
                CC: skpgkp1 at gmail dot com
  Target Milestone: ---

locate_and_pad_parm is called when expanding function call from
initialize_argument_information and when generating function body
from assign_parm_find_entry_rtl:

  /* Remember if the outgoing parameter requires extra alignment on the
     calling function side.  */
  if (crtl->stack_alignment_needed < boundary)
    crtl->stack_alignment_needed = boundary;
  if (crtl->preferred_stack_boundary < boundary)
    crtl->preferred_stack_boundary = boundary;

preferred_stack_boundary should be updated only when expanding function
call, not when generating function body.  In this testcase,
crtl->preferred_stack_boundary is to set 512 when not needed:

[hjl@gnu-cfl-1 lea-3]$ cat 1.i
typedef int __v16si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (64)));

foo (__v16si x, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, __v16si *p)
  *p = x;
[hjl@gnu-cfl-1 lea-3]$ make 1.s
-B/export/build/gnu/tools-build/gcc-debug/build-x86_64-linux/gcc/ -mavx512f -O2
-Wa,-mx86-used-note=yes -S 1.i
[hjl@gnu-cfl-1 lea-3]$ cat 1.s
        .file   "1.i"
        .p2align 4
        .globl  foo
        .type   foo, @function
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        andq    $-64, %rsp
        movq    16(%rbp), %rax
        vmovdqa64       %zmm0, (%rax)
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
        .size   foo, .-foo
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 10.0.0 20190605 (experimental)"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
[hjl@gnu-cfl-1 lea-3]$

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