--- Comment #23 from fdlbxtqi <euloanty at live dot com> ---
Comment on attachment 47559
An untested patch

>From 1dfd714e1f29e229d69a0c7f6f84bf05dd4ee85d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
>From: expnkx <>
>Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2019 09:49:19 -0500
>Subject: [PATCH] Untested patch fix volatile bug of std::copyXXX and
> std::uninitialized_copyXXX Support custom contiguous_iterator Fix undefined
> behavior of &*end constexpr std::fill Greatly improve performance of
> std::copyXXX and std::uninitialized_copyXX for different types and apply
> pipeline optimization to reduce branch misprediction
> libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algobase.h | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++---
> 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algobase.h 
>index 40d056ae8d5..01672a8f232 100644
>--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algobase.h
>+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algobase.h
>@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
> // Core algorithmic facilities -*- C++ -*-
>-// Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>+// Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> //
> // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
> // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
>    * A constexpr wrapper for __builtin_memmove.
>    * @param __num The number of elements of type _Tp (not bytes).
>    */
>+#ifndef __cpp_lib_concepts
>   template<bool _IsMove, typename _Tp>
>+    inline void volatile*
>+    __memmove(_Tp volatile* __dst, _Tp volatile const* __src, size_t __num)
>+    {
>+        for(; __num > 0; --__num)
>+          {
>+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
>+            if constexpr (_IsMove)
>+              *__dst = std::move(*__src);
>+            else
>+              *__dst = *__src;
>+            ++__src;
>+            ++__dst;
>+          }
>+        return __dst;
>+    }
>+  template<bool _IsMove, typename _Tp,typename _Tp_src>
>+#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
>+    requires (is_trivially_copyable_v<_Tp>&&!is_volatile_v<_Tp>
>+      &&is_trivially_copyable_v<_Tp_src>&&!is_volatile_v<_Tp_src>
>     inline void*
>-    __memmove(_Tp* __dst, const _Tp* __src, size_t __num)
>+    __memmove(_Tp* __dst, _Tp_src const* __src, size_t __num)
>     {
> #ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
>       if (std::is_constant_evaluated())
>       else
> #endif
>       return __builtin_memmove(__dst, __src, sizeof(_Tp) * __num);
>-      return __dst;
>     }
>   /*
>    * A constexpr wrapper for __builtin_memcmp.
>    * @param __num The number of elements of type _Tp (not bytes).
>       }
>     };
> #endif
>+#ifndef __cpp_lib_concepts
>   template<bool _IsMove>
>     struct __copy_move<_IsMove, true, random_access_iterator_tag>
>     {
>         static_assert( __assignable::type::value, "type is not assignable" );
> #endif
>         const ptrdiff_t _Num = __last - __first;
>-        if (_Num)
>-          std::__memmove<_IsMove>(__result, __first, _Num);
>+        if (!_Num)
>+        return __result + _Num;
>+//since before C++20, we do not have [[likely]] attribute. We need to do it 
>+    std::__memmove<_IsMove>(__result, __first, _Num);
>         return __result + _Num;
>       }
>     };
>   // Helpers for streambuf iterators (either istream or ostream).
>   // NB: avoid including <iosfwd>, relatively large.
>   template<typename _CharT>
>       typedef typename iterator_traits<_II>::value_type _ValueTypeI;
>       typedef typename iterator_traits<_OI>::value_type _ValueTypeO;
>       typedef typename iterator_traits<_II>::iterator_category _Category;
>+#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
>+      if constexpr(
>+          ((!is_volatile_v<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*__first)>>)&&
>+          is_trivially_copyable_v<_ValueTypeI>)&&
>+          ((!is_volatile_v<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*__result)>>)&&
>+          is_trivially_copyable_v<_ValueTypeO>)&&
>+          contiguous_iterator<_II>&&
>+          contiguous_iterator<_OI>&&
>+          (same_as<_ValueTypeI,_ValueTypeO>
>+          ||(integral<_ValueTypeI>&&integral<_ValueTypeO>&&
>+              sizeof(_ValueTypeI)==sizeof(_ValueTypeO))))
>+      {
>+        using __assignable = conditional<_IsMove,
>+                 is_move_assignable<_OI>,
>+                is_copy_assignable<_OI>>;
>+        static_assert( __assignable::type::value, "result type is not 
>assignable" );
>+        ptrdiff_t const _Num = __last - __first;
>+        if (_Num)
>+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute(likely)
>+//This if statement is by default bad since it affects CPU pipeline.
>+//needs likely attribute or the branch misprediction penalty (100% 
>misprediction rate probably) is HUGE
>+        [[likely]]
>+          std::__memmove<_IsMove>(to_address(__result), to_address(__first), 
>+        return __result + _Num;
>+      }
>+      else
>+      return std::__copy_move<_IsMove, false,
>       const bool __simple = (__is_trivially_copyable(_ValueTypeI)
>                            && __is_pointer<_II>::__value
>                            && __is_pointer<_OI>::__value
>                            && __are_same<_ValueTypeI, _ValueTypeO>::__value);
>       return std::__copy_move<_IsMove, __simple,
>                             _Category>::__copy_m(__first, __last, __result);
>     }
>    *  Note that the end of the output range is permitted to be contained
>    *  within [first,last).
>   */
>   template<typename _II, typename _OI>
>     inline _OI
>       return std::__copy_move_a<__is_move_iterator<_II>::__value>
>            (std::__miter_base(__first), std::__miter_base(__last), __result);
>     }
> #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
>   /**
>    *  @brief Moves the range [first,last) into result.
>     };
> #endif
>+#ifndef __cpp_lib_concepts
>   template<bool _IsMove>
>     struct __copy_move_backward<_IsMove, true, random_access_iterator_tag>
>     {
>         static_assert( __assignable::type::value, "type is not assignable" );
> #endif
>         const ptrdiff_t _Num = __last - __first;
>-        if (_Num)
>-          std::__memmove<_IsMove>(__result - _Num, __first, _Num);
>+        if (!_Num)
>+      return __result - _Num;
>+    std::__memmove<_IsMove>(__result - _Num, __first, _Num);
>         return __result - _Num;
>       }
>     };
>   template<bool _IsMove, typename _BI1, typename _BI2>
>       typedef typename iterator_traits<_BI1>::value_type _ValueType1;
>       typedef typename iterator_traits<_BI2>::value_type _ValueType2;
>       typedef typename iterator_traits<_BI1>::iterator_category _Category;
>-      const bool __simple = (__is_trivially_copyable(_ValueType1)
>-                           && __is_pointer<_BI1>::__value
>-                           && __is_pointer<_BI2>::__value
>-                           && __are_same<_ValueType1, _ValueType2>::__value);
> #ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
>       if (std::is_constant_evaluated())
>-      return std::__copy_move_backward<true, false,
>+              return std::__copy_move_backward<true, false,
>                             _Category>::__copy_move_b(__first, __last,
>                                                       __result);
>+      else
>+      {
> #endif
>+#if __cpp_lib_concepts 
>+      if constexpr(
>+          ((!is_volatile_v<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*__first)>>)&&
>+          is_trivially_copyable_v<_ValueType1>)&&
>+          ((!is_volatile_v<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*__result)>>)&&
>+          is_trivially_copyable_v<_ValueType2>)&&
>+          contiguous_iterator<_BI1>&&
>+          contiguous_iterator<_BI2>&&
>+          (same_as<_ValueType1,_ValueType2>
>+          ||(integral<_ValueType1>&&integral<_ValueType2>&&
>+              sizeof(_ValueType1)==sizeof(_ValueType2))))
>+      {
>+        using __assignable = conditional<_IsMove,
>+                is_move_assignable<_ValueType2>,
>+                is_copy_assignable<_ValueType2>>;
>+        // trivial types can have deleted assignment
>+        static_assert( __assignable::type::value, "type is not assignable" );
>+        ptrdiff_t const _Num = __last - __first;
>+        if (_Num)
>+          #ifdef __has_cpp_attribute(likely)
>+            [[likely]]
>+          #endif
>+          std::__memmove<_IsMove>(to_address(__result) - _Num, 
>to_address(__first), _Num);
>+        return __result - _Num; 
>+      }
>+      const bool __simple = (
>+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
>+        (!is_volatile<typename 
>+        __is_trivially_copyable(_ValueType1)
>+                           && __is_pointer<_BI1>::__value
>+                           && __is_pointer<_BI2>::__value
>+                           && __are_same<_ValueType1, _ValueType2>::__value);
>       return std::__copy_move_backward<_IsMove, __simple,
>                                      _Category>::__copy_move_b(__first,
>                                                                __last,
>                                                                __result);
>+#ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
>+      }
>     }
>   template<bool _IsMove, typename _BI1, typename _BI2>
>@@ -908,16 +1003,33 @@ _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE_CONTAINER
>     }
>   // Specialization: for char types we can use memset.
>   template<typename _Tp>
>     inline typename
>     __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_byte<_Tp>::__value, void>::__type
>     __fill_a1(_Tp* __first, _Tp* __last, const _Tp& __c)
>     {
>-      const _Tp __tmp = __c;
>+      _Tp const __tmp = __c;
>+#ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
>+    if (std::is_constant_evaluated())
>+    {
>+      for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
>+      *__first = __tmp;
>+    }
>+    else
>+    {
>       if (const size_t __len = __last - __first)
>+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute(likely)
>+        [[likely]]
>       __builtin_memset(__first, static_cast<unsigned char>(__tmp), __len);
>+#ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
>     }
>+    }
>+#ifndef __cpp_lib_concepts
>   template<typename _Ite, typename _Cont, typename _Tp>
>     inline void
>             ::__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Ite, _Cont> __last,
>             const _Tp& __value)
>     { std::__fill_a1(__first.base(), __last.base(), __value); }
>   template<typename _Tp, typename _VTp>
>     void
>     __fill_a1(const _GLIBCXX_STD_C::_Deque_iterator<_Tp, _Tp&, _Tp*>&,
>     inline void
>     __fill_a(_FIte __first, _FIte __last, const _Tp& __value)
>-    { std::__fill_a1(__first, __last, __value); }
>+    {
>+#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
>+      if constexpr(contiguous_iterator<_FIte>)
>+        std::__fill_a1(to_address(__first), to_address(__last), __value);
>+      else
>+        std::__fill_a1(__first, __last, __value);
>+    }
>   template<typename _Ite, typename _Seq, typename _Cat, typename _Tp>
>     void
>         const size_t __len1 = __last1 - __first1;
>         const size_t __len2 = __last2 - __first2;
>         if (const size_t __len = std::min(__len1, __len2))
>+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute(likely)
>+        [[likely]]
>           if (int __result = std::__memcmp(__first1, __first2, __len))
>             return __result < 0;
>         return __len1 < __len2;
>@@ -1733,7 +1855,11 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
>               if (__len)
>                 {
>                   const auto __c
>-                    = __builtin_memcmp(&*__first1, &*__first2, __len) <=> 0;
>+                    = __builtin_memcmp(to_address(__first1), 
>to_address(__first2), __len) <=> 0;
>+//&*__first1 is not correct and would crash program. Must use to_address()
>+//since a lot of debugging iterator would not be allowed to dereference 
>+//It is undefined behavior to derefernce sentinal iterators
>+//For example, VC's implementation
>                   if (__c != 0)
>                     return __c;
>                 }

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