--- Comment #9 from Andrew Benson <abensonca at gmail dot com> ---
Note that this patch doesn't check that the duplicate attributes are valid or
consistent with those declared in the module. For example both:

module mm
  implicit none
     module function c()
       integer, dimension(2)  :: c
     end function c
  end interface
end module mm

submodule (mm) oo
  implicit none
  module function c()
    integer, dimension(3)  :: c
  end function c
end submodule oo


module mm
  implicit none
     module function c()
       integer, dimension(2)  :: c
     end function c
  end interface
end module mm

submodule (mm) oo
  implicit none
  module function c()
    integer, dimension(:)  :: c
  end function c
end submodule oo

compile successfully, but should be rejected. Presumably we should add some
check that the attributes of the declaration in the submodule match those in
the module.

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