--- Comment #6 from Martin Sebor <msebor at gcc dot> --- As a baseline, I think it would be great to get std::string to enjoy the same benefits as other containers WRT aliasing. Going a step further, I'd expect users of all containers to benefit from the aliasing guarantee the containers already provide: that modifying one doesn't change the other. E.g., here it should be possible to eliminate the test: #include <vector> struct S { std::vector<int> a, b; }; void f (struct S &s) { int t = s.a[0]; s.b[0] = 0; if (t != s.a[0]) // can be folded to false __builtin_abort (); } I've been thinking of one of two kinds of annotation that wouldn't require programs to change and would be sufficient if applied only to the definition of the containers: (1) one that would make "std::string::ptr" on par with that of any other pointer other than char (i.e., a char that's not allowed to be used to access anything but a char object), and (2) another that could basically be described as having the effect you suggest. An example of the former would be an attribute "noalias" applicable only to narrow character types. The latter could be done by applying the same attribute (or some other) to the std::vector and std::basic_string templates. It might take yet another extension to also express the same guarantee for node-based containers. Like you I'm not sure that just slapping restrict on std::string::_M_dataplus._M_p would have the desired effect (even if GCC did pay attention to restrict on struct members).