--- Comment #37 from Thomas Koenig <tkoenig at gcc dot> ---
(In reply to Jürgen Reuter from comment #36)
> Hm, I hope I didn't change the flavor of the bug, but you can cross-check
> with the very first reproducer which contains our code more or less
> unchanged (except for the build setup with autotools etc.).

Since your latest reproducer fails with any version I tried, I suspect
you may have deleted the one line too many. Hmm, checking... yes, this is the

  subroutine rt_data_activate (local)
    class(rt_data_t), intent(inout), target :: local
    class(rt_data_t), pointer :: global
    if (associated (global)) then
       local%logfile = global%logfile
       local%pn = global%pn
    end if
  end subroutine rt_data_activate

A previous version has

    global => local%context

as the first executable statement but that is rejected now;
and if I comment out the whole body of the subroutine,
there is no error.

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