--- Comment #5 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 06:47:18AM +0000, tkoenig at gcc dot wrote:
> and the effective argument has the TARGET attribute 
> That I will have to look up; if a has the TARGET attribute,
> does a%b have it as well?

You're looking for

  If an object has the TARGET attribute, then all of its nonpointer
  subobjects also have the TARGET attribute. 

I believe it does not matter.  The effective argument is s1%cc%cbar.
The subroutine sub2() accesses s1%cc(2)%cbar via host association.
I've quoted the relevant part of the standard that says an effective
should be accessed via the dummy argument.  You basically have an
aliasing problem where something is known by a dummy argument 
and by host association.  It's a rather questionable programming


program foo
   real x
   x = 42
   call bar(x)
   print *, x
     subroutine bar(a)
        real, intent(inout) :: a
        a = 12
        x = 0
     end subroutine bar
end program foo

Should this print 12 or 0?  When bar returns 'a' has a value of
12, should this value be transferred to 'x' before the print 
statement is executed?

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