Bug ID: 95692
           Summary: PPC64, suspicious store in front of inline assembly
           Product: gcc
           Version: 10.1.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: inline-asm
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: markalle at us dot
  Target Milestone: ---

Created attachment 48735
Reproducer, includes Makefile (which downloads and configures openmpi-4.0.3)
and a couple .c filles that use the patcher out of Open MPI

*** System/version info:

The system on which the suspicious behavior was observed is PPC64 running
Redhat 8.1.
% uname -a
Linux f8n02 4.18.0-147.13.2.el8_1.ppc64le #1 SMP Wed May 13 15:23:36 UTC 2020
ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux
% cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.1 (Ootpa)
% gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4)
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

I also downloaded and built gcc-10.1.0 and observed the same behavior

*** Problem:

Open MPI has a symbol patcher it uses to intercept calls like munmap to
know when virtual to physical memory mappings can change.

On PPC64 the patcher code replaces "munmap" with a branch to a new
function intercept_munmap().  The target function intercept_munmap()
wants its own r2 table of contents, so it has a BEGIN/END macro where
it saves, overwrites, then restores r2.

We can edit the code in small ways to produces passing/failing versions of
this.  Starting with one of the passing versions, the instructions for the
pre-patched version of the target function "intercept_munmap()" are
   0x0000000010000ff4 <+28>:    std     r3,128(r31)
   0x0000000010000ff8 <+32>:    std     r4,136(r31)
   0x0000000010000ffc <+36>:    std     r2,104(r31)
   0x0000000010001000 <+40>:    nop
   0x0000000010001004 <+44>:    nop
   0x0000000010001008 <+48>:    nop
   0x000000001000100c <+52>:    nop
   0x0000000010001010 <+56>:    nop
where the table of contents r2 is being saved in a local variable, and
those place holder NOP operations will be modified to overwrite r2.

The failing versions of the program are the ones where intercept_munmap()
is generated as
   0x0000000010000ff4 <+28>:    std     r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010000ff8 <+32>:    std     r3,128(r31)
   0x0000000010000ffc <+36>:    std     r4,136(r31)
   0x0000000010001000 <+40>:    std     r2,104(r31)
   0x0000000010001004 <+44>:    nop
   0x0000000010001008 <+48>:    nop
   0x000000001000100c <+52>:    nop
   0x0000000010001010 <+56>:    nop
   0x0000000010001014 <+60>:    nop
Here that first save of r2 to $r1+24 is picking up the pre-patched value,
and if that gets used later it will fail.

When it comes to tracing through the Open MPI code, the central function in
the patcher is mca_patcher_overwrite_apply_patch() at

The main values there are
  sys_addr = munmap from glibc
  hook_addr = intercept_munmap, the function to replace munmap

At the bottom of mca_patcher_overwrite_apply_patch() the instructions at
sys_addr are replaced by instructions that change r11 to hook_addr and
branch there.  Above that the target code in intercept_munmap() is also
modified to save, overwrite, and later restore the table of contents r2.

If it matters, the particulars of how this failing case accesses bad data
relative to r2 is that when intercept_munmap() calls fn() via a function
pointer, the return from that only restores r2 to $r1+24, and then the
syscall() that disassembles as
   0x0000000010000bc0 <+0>:     std     r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010000bc4 <+4>:     ld      r12,-32304(r2)
   0x0000000010000bc8 <+8>:     mtctr   r12
   0x0000000010000bcc <+12>:    bctr
   0x0000000010000bd0 <+16>:    .long 0x0
   0x0000000010000bd4 <+20>:    .long 0x0
   0x0000000010000bd8 <+24>:    .long 0x0
   0x0000000010000bdc <+28>:    .long 0x0
is pulling from the wrong table of contents.  If r2 had been restoredd
to $r31+128 then the syscall branch would have gone to the right place.

I think the root of the problem is the early store of r2, and it should
be considered a bug that gcc put this in front of the inline assembly
that's put in place by OPAL_PATCHER_BEGIN.

For what it's worth, editing openmpi-4.0.3_mod/opal/mca/patcher/patcher.h
to add "ld r2,24(r1)" or similar (to make it contain instructions that
write to r2) doesn't keep gcc from putting the suspicious early save of r2

*** Explanation of reproducer package:

The Makefile wgets openmpi-4.0.3.tar.gz and configures it which makes
all the necessary headers exist and take the PPC64 path.  Also the main
entry function mca_patcher_overwrite_patch_symbol() is static in Open MPI
so we edit out the static so we can call it directly.

After that the compilation is pretty simple.  The code defines an
intercept_munmap() that can be disassembled to see the suspicious early
store of r2.  Running ./x will segv in the syscall to SYS_munmap when
it tries to branch to $r2-32304 when r2 is loaded with the wrong table
of contents.

*** Example:

% make
% gdb ./x
(gdb) break intercept_munmap
(gdb) run
(gdb) disassemble $pc
=> 0x0000000010000ff4 <+28>:    std     r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010000ff8 <+32>:    std     r3,128(r31)
   0x0000000010000ffc <+36>:    std     r4,136(r31)
   0x0000000010001000 <+40>:    std     r2,104(r31)
   0x0000000010001004 <+44>:    lis     r2,0
   0x0000000010001008 <+48>:    ori     r2,r2,0
   0x000000001000100c <+52>:    rldicr  r2,r2,32,31
   0x0000000010001010 <+56>:    oris    r2,r2,4098
   0x0000000010001014 <+60>:    ori     r2,r2,32512
   0x0000000010001018 <+64>:    addis   r9,r2,-2
   0x000000001000101c <+68>:    addi    r9,r9,-28612
   0x0000000010001020 <+72>:    std     r9,112(r31)
   0x0000000010001024 <+76>:    ld      r9,112(r31)
   0x0000000010001028 <+80>:    mr      r12,r9
   0x000000001000102c <+84>:    mtctr   r12
   0x0000000010001030 <+88>:    bctrl
   0x0000000010001034 <+92>:    ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010001038 <+96>:    ld      r5,136(r31)
   0x000000001000103c <+100>:   ld      r4,128(r31)
   0x0000000010001040 <+104>:   li      r3,91
   0x0000000010001044 <+108>:   bl      0x10000bc0
   0x0000000010001048 <+112>:   ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x000000001000104c <+116>:   mr      r9,r3
   0x0000000010001050 <+120>:   stw     r9,96(r31)
   0x0000000010001054 <+124>:   ld      r2,104(r31)
   0x0000000010001058 <+128>:   nop
   0x000000001000105c <+132>:   mr      r3,r9
   0x0000000010001060 <+136>:   addi    r1,r31,160
   0x0000000010001064 <+140>:   ld      r0,16(r1)
   0x0000000010001068 <+144>:   mtlr    r0
   0x000000001000106c <+148>:   ld      r31,-8(r1)
   0x0000000010001070 <+152>:   blr
   0x0000000010001074 <+156>:   .long 0x0
   0x0000000010001078 <+160>:   .long 0x1000000
   0x000000001000107c <+164>:   .long 0x1000180
(gdb) p /x $r2
   0x200000307300  (old toc saved at $r1+24)
(gdb) stepi 9
(gdb) p /x $r2
   0x10027f00  (after the instructions that replace $r2)
(gdb) stepi 7      (branches into foo() via function pointer)
(gdb) fin          (come back from foo())
(gdb) p /x $r2
   0x10027f00  (this is the new value and would be fine if it stayed)
(gdb) p /x *(long long*)((char*)$r2 - 32304)
(gdb) info symbol 0x10003ef0
   syscall@plt (just confirming that the current $r2 has good data at
(gdb) stepi    (executing the instruction at <+92>)
(gdb) p /x $r2
   0x200000307300  (old toc saved at $r1+24)
(gdb) p /x *(long long*)((char*)$r2 - 32304)
(gdb) info symbol 0x200000304fb0
   __exit_funcs_lock (I think this is leftover, not the function we want to
branch to)
(gdb) stepi 4
(gdb) disassemble $pc
   0x0000000010000bc0 <+0>:     std     r2,24(r1)
   0x0000000010000bc4 <+4>:     ld      r12,-32304(r2)
   0x0000000010000bc8 <+8>:     mtctr   r12
   0x0000000010000bcc <+12>:    bctr
   0x0000000010000bd0 <+16>:    .long 0x0
   0x0000000010000bd4 <+20>:    .long 0x0
   0x0000000010000bd8 <+24>:    .long 0x0
   0x0000000010000bdc <+28>:    .long 0x0
(gdb) stepi 3
(gdb) p /x $r12
Now it's about to branch into __exit_funcs_lock and segv when it wanted to
branch to syscall@plt which is what it would have got if $r2 had the right
table of contents.

*** section of preprocessed test.i

If -save-temps is added to the Makefile, here's a clip of the output for test.i

intercept_munmap(void *start, size_t length)
    unsigned long toc_save; asm volatile ("std 2, %0" : "=m" (toc_save)); asm
volatile ("nop; nop; nop
; nop; nop");;
    volatile MyFunction_t fn;
    fn = foo;
    int result = syscall(
# 26 "test.c" 3 4
# 26 "test.c"
                                  , start, length);
    asm volatile ("ld  2, %0" : : "m" (toc_save));;

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