--- Comment #11 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 01:47:58PM +0000, bre08 at eggen dot wrote:
> --- Comment #10 from B Eggen <bre08 at eggen dot> ---
> I've been experimenting with the suggested work-around
> m = anint(y)
> This works for larger numbers, even in quad precision, however, it breaks down
> a long way before the integer*16 range is exhausted, consider the code below,
> which starts with 2^113 and tries to double it, minus 1.  The minus 1 is not
> taking effect:

Of course, that is going to fail if you want an exact result.
REAL(16) is a floating point format, which has 113 digits of
precision.  This means that integers less than 2**113 are
exactly representable as REAL(16) floating point numbers.
When you double (2._16)**113 to (2._16)**114, that is a prefectly
fine REAL(16) floating point number.  Subtracting 1._16
from (2._16)**114 is a valid floating point operation.  Your
problem lies in that result is rounded, and 1._16 is less than
epsilon(1._16) in comparison to (2._16)**114.

> I guess at some point NINT() will be fixed, can anyone suggest a robust
> workaround that is valid until 2^127-1 ?

If you're trying to use floating point arithmetic in computations
and you need exact integral values up to 2**127-1, then there isn't
a REAL type that works.  

If you're looking for arbitrary precision arithmetic and you
want to use Fortran, I suggest that you google "David Bailey

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