--- Comment #15 from Michael_S <already5chosen at yahoo dot com> ---
Thank you.
That does not sound too different from what I assumed in post above.
10.1.0 is release. Expected to be used by "normal" people.
10.1.1 was for purpose of development of 10.2.0. Since release of 10.2.0 it is
10.2.0 is release. Expected to be used by "normal" people.
10.2.1 exists for purpose of development of 10.3.0.

>> Generally, it is advisable to use snapshots from the release branches, as 
>> otherwise one misses dozens to hundreds of bugfixes that were fixed since 
>> the last release.

That a little confusing.
I am compiler user, not compiler developer. Is it advisable for me to download
and compile snapshots ?!
I would think that for people like me 3-4 month cadence of gcc releases is
already too quick.

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