--- Comment #9 from Michael_S <already5chosen at yahoo dot com> ---
Hopefully, you did regression tests for all main AoS<->SoA cases.

typedef struct { double re, im; } dcmlx_t;
void soa2aos(double* restrict dstRe, double* restrict dstIm, const dcmlx_t
src[], int nq)
  for (int i = 0; i < nq*4; ++i) {
    dcmlx_t s = src[i];
    dstRe[i] =;
    dstIm[i] =;

void aos2soa(dcmlx_t* restrict dst, const double* srcRe, const double* srcIm,
int nq)
  for (int i = 0; i < nq*4; ++i) {
    dst[i].re = srcRe[i];
    dst[i].im = srcIm[i];

And equivalents with float instead of double.

Right now 'gcc.10.2 -march=skylake -O3' does very good job for soa2aos() and
suboptimal, but not horrible job for aos2soa(). Hopefully, your changes do not
break any of it.

Personally, I don't like SoA layouts and very much prefer AoSoA, but I
recognize that in existing code bases SoA is more common.

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