--- Comment #3 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> --- Ah right, so int main() { struct A { struct B *b; struct C {} *c; }; using U = B; using V = C; } For the `struct C {}` case that explicitly defines (and declares) a new struct in the scope of A, i.e. A::C, and so it's definitely correct that it isn't declared in the enclosing block scope. That case is substantially different, and all compilers agree on that. For `struct B *b` the standard says that implicitly declares a new type, but not as a member of A. [basic.scope.pdecl] p7 (7.2) says that the the identifier B "is declared in the smallest namespace or block scope that contains the declaration." And that's the block scope of main. So I think GCC is correct, and Clang is wrong. EDG agrees with GCC FWIW.