--- Comment #2 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
Reduced test:

subroutine bar_array()
  logical, save :: first = .true.
  character(len=:), allocatable :: str
  if (first) then
    first = .false.
    if (allocated (str)) STOP 7
    str = "ABCDEF"
  end if
end subroutine bar_array

call bar_array()

% gfc save_5_red.f90 -fno-automatic -flto -O2
during IPA pass: modref
save_5_red.f90:12:3: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault: 11
   12 | end
      |   ^

>From the manual

Treat each program unit (except those marked as RECURSIVE) as if the SAVE
statement were specified for every local variable and array referenced in it.
Does not affect common blocks. (Some Fortran compilers provide this option
under the name -static or -save.) The default, which is -fautomatic, uses the
stack for local variables smaller than the value given by -fmax-stack-var-size.
Use the option -frecursive to use no static memory.

Local variables or arrays having an explicit SAVE attribute are silently
ignored unless the -pedantic option is added.

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