--- Comment #16 from rsandifo at gcc dot <rsandifo at gcc dot> 
> 2)  mad2.c
> float foo (double x, float y, float z)
> {
>    return ( y * fabs (x) + z ); 
> }
> mad2.c.098t.cunrolli:
> foo (double x, float y, float z)
> {
>   double _1;
>   double _2;
>   double _3;
>   double _4;
>   double _5;
>   float _9;
>   <bb 2> [local count: 1073741824]:
>   _1 = (double) y_6(D);
>   _2 = ABS_EXPR <x_7(D)>;
>   _3 = _1 * _2;
>   _4 = (double) z_8(D);
>   _5 = _3 + _4;
>   _9 = (float) _5;
>   return _9;
> }
> mad2.c.099t.backprop:
> [USE] _9 in return _9;
> [USE] _5 in _9 = (float) _5;
>   _5: convert from float to double not important
> [DEF] Recording new information for _5 = _3 + _4;
>   _5: convert from float to double not important
> [USE] _4 in _5 = _3 + _4;
>   _4: convert from float to double not important
> [DEF] Recording new information for _4 = (double) z_8(D);
>   _4: convert from float to double not important
> [USE] _3 in _5 = _3 + _4;
>   _3: convert from float to double not important
> [DEF] Recording new information for _3 = _1 * _2;
>   _3: convert from float to double not important
> [USE] _2 in _3 = _1 * _2;
>   _2: convert from float to double not important
> [DEF] Recording new information for _2 = ABS_EXPR <x_7(D)>;
>   _2: convert from float to double not important
> [USE] _1 in _3 = _1 * _2;
>   _1: convert from float to double not important
> [DEF] Recording new information for _1 = (double) y_6(D);
>   _1: convert from float to double not important
> Deleting _4 = (double) z_8(D);
> Deleting _1 = (double) y_6(D);
> __attribute__((noinline))
> foo (double x, float y, float z)
> {
>   double _2;
>   double _3;
>   double _5;
>   float _9;
>   <bb 2> [local count: 1073741824]:
>   _2 = ABS_EXPR <x_7(D)>;
>   _3 = _2 * y_6(D);
>   _5 = _3 + z_8(D);
>   _9 = (float) _5;
>   return _9;
> }
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the point, but isn't this
just an issue with the way that the results of the
analysis are applied to the IL, rather than a problem
in the analysis itself?

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